Monday, February 7, 2011

Some GLPS Bloggers are still Blogging!

I'm very happy to see that some of you are still writing and maintaining your blogs.  For these purposes, I've set the blog list on the right side column to show the most recently updated blogs at the top.

As you can see, I've changed the seasonal theme from Winter to Summer in preparation for GLPS 16.  Hope to see some of you there!

Thank you to all students for participating so actively at GLPS, and also for making the Writing Program a success.  I am happy to stay in touch, and hope you are all doing likewise with your new (and soon to be longtime) friends.

Happy New Year!


  1. Hi! Do you remember me?haha
    I wrote an essay about an invention called______!
    You can read it from your blog!
    I think I van see you in GLPS 18 or 19, if you are still going to be there!
    You can read it, and post a comment!
    Your blog has changed-bright!

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