Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Diamante Poems!

Diamante Poems
Diamante poems are named after "diamonds" for their shape.  They are simple, easy and fun to write, and I'd like to see at least three on your blogs.  This will give you a chance to use your THESAURUS and find some good words to replace simple words.  It will also allow you to play with some creative formatting.  As you can see in the Diamante Poem I wrote below, I made the fonts different colors and even used emoticons and pictures to contrast the opposites. 

Here is how a Diamante Poem is written:

NOUN       NOUN      NOUN       NOUN
There are a few ways to write them.  They can be about one thing, from start to finish, but it's more fun to start with something and transition towards an opposite - such as HOT & COLD, COMPUTER GAMES & HOMEWORK, or even SISTER & BROTHER.

In the past, I've had students start with CHEESEBURGER and move towards GLOBAL WARMING.  It doesn't have to be an opposite.  As long as it's related and the reader sees the connection, your Diamante Poem will be good.  

Here is an example of what I expect from you guys with the Diamante Poems.  Try to write at least two or three, and creatively make a transition from one subject to the next.  Post pictures to jazz things up a little.  This one, about Red Cards and Green Cards.  These pictures help a lot, and make sure everything is centered . As well, we've made the font as big as possible for more impact.  Let's have some fun with this simple yet very creative style of poetry.  The best ones from each class will get a GREEN CARD!!!!! 

Red Cards
harsh, critical
catching, punishing, crying
P.A., T.A., Teachers, Students
winning, earning, enjoying
positive, proud
Green Cards!

1 comment:

  1. My name is Lee Ga Hyun, in class 22
    My blog address is:
