Monday, January 24, 2011

Last Chance to Publish!

To blog, indeed!

Today, I'm going to start choosing the best blogs from each class!  So if you have anything you haven't published yet, try to do so ASAP.  What does that mean?  As Soon As Possible.

What am I looking for? 

1) Completion - did you finish most of the assignments, and did you do a good job?

2) Presentation - do your posts look good?  Is everything straight and sized appropriately? Can I read the font? 

3) Creativity - did you do something extra with your blog, and write things I didn't assign on your own?  Does your blog have a fun title and nice background?  Is the design nice?

4) Attention to Detail - did you make sure your spelling errors are fixed?  Is your grammar cleaned up? 

5) Participation - did you comment on other blogs, and reply to people who commented on yours? 

I hope you've all learned some valuable skills in creating these blogs, and I hope you keep blogging after the camp.  If not, that's up to you - but for the next two days....ROCK ON, and BLOG ON!

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