Thursday, January 27, 2011

Relax, and enjoy the rest of your time at GLPS : )

Dear Students,

This last week, I've really been happy with the effort you've been putting into your blogs. At times, it looked like many students were more focused on History, and not completing the Writing assignments as seriously. But that changed late in the camp.

That said, many of you have been asking me if you can use the computers tonight to finish up some things, and many of you have also asked me to wait until tomorrow to decide the top three blogs. Tonight is your last regular night at GLPS, so I think you should use your free time to relax with your friends and cherish good memories. I've already decided the winners, and will post them later tonight. So, I don't want you guys to experience last minute stress if it isn't necessary.

The results will be up very soon! Enjoy your fried chicken and again - have fun!

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