Hello Students,
Having reviewed most of the blogs, there are clearly three categories of writers: 1) Those that are inspired and wanting to write quality with quantity. 2) Those that are more interested in quantity instead of quality. 3) Those that are achieving very little quality and very little quantity (less than 7 posts is too few).
As a teacher at KMLA who teaches hard working high school students (some of whom are your PA's and TA's), I assure you that it is focusing on both quality and quantity that got them into this school, and will also get them into universities like Harvard and Yale. When you write, when you present, when you do anything and everything - always ask yourself - "Is this quality work?"
"The Whacky Web Tales" are an example of quantity being misused. Cutting and Pasting to fill up a blog with posts is like adding water to wine. If you are going to post a "Whacky Web Tale," explain what it is. Tell us where you got it. Format it so we know which words you introduced. Posting 3 or 4 of these in your blog, all without pictures or explanation, is like messing up your bedroom with dirty laundry. My message to you: Clean up your rooms! Do I sound like your mom? Keep in mind your mom might be reading your blog. What would she think? If she reads a Whacky Web Tale and has no idea what it is, she's not going to like it.
The history presentations etc. are also an example of lazy blogging. If you post it - make it look good! Separate ideas into paragraphs. Do you want to read a brick wall of text? No! Put in some pictures.
My message: If you aren't going to do it right, don't do it at all! When you push the "Publish Post" button, think of it as actually "publishing." Quality is more important than quantity.
It is my hope that all students develop the following skills in this program:
1) Pride in your work. You have been given ownership of a blog, so treat it like DaVinci might treat a painting. Make it pretty!
2) Self-Guided Learning. You are given time to use the computers without a teacher looking over your shoulder. Use your time wisely and effectively, and get your work done. Your blog speaks for itself. It's like building a house. Is it half-finished with out a roof? Or is it a sparkling mansion with a pool in the backyard? I hope it's the latter and not the former by the end of this camp.
3) Creativity. Do I post the same video and picture everyone else did, or do I find something fresh and new? Try being original.
4) Improved Writing Skills. Good writing is good writing. It looks good, it sounds good, and it is good. If you are in the Immersion program, you should know basic grammar and basic spelling. You should always check your work for mistakes, and fix them accordingly. A little more care and focus is all you need. Try to be a perfectionist.
Next week, Mr. Crawford and I will choose the two best blogs from each class. I hope you use your time wisely and start focusing on quality blogging. And, of course, quantity. But not without quality!
Thank you for reading!
Wow! Such a nice picture on the top!