Sunday, January 16, 2011

Writing in the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Person Narratives!

Hello Students,

This week, I would like to see three posts from you regarding daily life at GLPS. These can either be fact or fiction, and I encourage you to take full creative license with these three assignments.

What I would like you to do is try writing in different narrative styles. Let's look at them.

1st Person - This is the most common narrative, and is the one you do daily in your English Diary. Most people agree that this is the easiest to write.  But is it the most adventurous?

I woke up this morning a little bit late, and had to miss breakfast. I'm really looking forward to lunch!

2nd Person-This one is the rarest, and we usually only see it in RPG video games.  That said, I like it because it kind of sounds like the "little voice in your head" that tells you what you often forget to tell yourself.

You wake up to the harsh sunlight, and realize you've slept in.  Your alarm clock! You forgot to set it.  As you swing your feet out of bed wearily, you also realize that you will have to skip breakfast.  Your stomach will be in constant agony until lunch!

3rd Person-This one is easy - it's the most common mode for fiction, and J.K. Rowling couldn't have pulled off Harry Potter with it.  It allows you, the writer, to act as God in an all-knowing "omniscient" way.  We sometimes say "omniscient narrator," as you can jump around from character to character and get inside their thoughts.

Harry wakes up slowly, rubbing his eyes as they adjust to the sunlight.  His clock! He suddenly recalls that he forgot to set it. "Looks like I'm not eating breakfast..." he mourns regretfully.  "I'm going to be ravenous by noon!"

Which one do you like writing in most, and why?  Experiment with all three during this week.  Again, have some fun, and you can write the truth or make something up (perhaps a GLPS horror story or an adventure involving escape!).  I will be checking in.

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